I'm nicer than what my internet persona gives off. Fashion, Art and Crafts, Books, Tips on anything about everything

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Experimenting with a Nikon D5000

Okay so I'm definitely not a pro but what's fun with SLR cameras is that you can do almost every shot you want. You can adjust anything (contrast, tones, etc.) unlike digicams. When taking pictures I always use SLR cameras because even if I'm not a pro, the camera does the magic, it automatically adjust the right focus and angles even the right amount of light (but it definitely depends on how you set it. You're going to need a background knowledge on how to us that thing but it's really up to you if your that interested to learn more about photography.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hippie fashion

If you're into hippie fashion, the best way to portray that look is to wear a bandana or bands on your head. Also wear a lot of bracelets, beads or whatever accessories as long as all of the accessories corporate each other. Cute feathered/bead dangling earrings should also do the trick. And don't forget ragged-like clothes with vintage prints/designs. I kinda like hippie fashion because for me it's comfortable, especially if you're the type of person who doesn't care about poise haha (but that's just for me, every girl has this side where we just be on our best self, wear ragged clothes and be messy - but does not necessarily mean that this style is only worn by people who, on some way, reek.) Just remember to play and experiment with any style you want and be comfortable with it. 

Cute Necklaces

Cute Rings

Sailor Moon Ring
Strawberry Ring
Rose Ring

Cute Dangling Earrings

Heart-shaped dangling earrings for formal occassions
Reggae themed Dangling Earrings
Customized Feather Hippie Earrings
Vintage Feather with Beads

Cute earrings

Earrings I have :3
Flower earrings (this is kinda big)
Grapes earrings
Switch earrings
Butterfly earrings

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Colorful bracelets

For girls who are still a kid at heart, loves cute stuffs and vibrant colors.

-Some are customized.

On make-ups (2)

Just a simple look for a night out. Did not put too much make up.
I use...
Maybelline Clear Smooth pressed powder (natural spf18). You can use this after putting a concealer on your dark circles. I use this in replace of a foundation 'coz my skin does not like it.
Wet n' Wild Lipstick 520E
Avon True Color Blush Rose Lustre T310
Neutrogena Healthy skin Custom Glow Blush and Bronzer Berry Glow 30 or......
...or Clinique Glow Blush 01
Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara or any clear mascara will do if you have  gorgeous eyelashes, don't forget to curl your eyelashes.
Avon Dark Brown Eye brow pencil
Any Liquid Eyeliner
Avon Black eyeliner glimmerstick
And a black eye shadow, depends on how you apply it to make it look good on you and to make your eyes pop out. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Art Nouveau

Watercolor, needs work on the proportions

On Face/Skin care (for oily skin)

I have an oily skin, puberty stage really is a hard time of my life. I had pimple breakouts which caused me to have low self-esteem. I was so pissed about it that I tried different products which does not even work. A doctor suggests me to buy this acne soap and advises me to be patient because it's normal. I was 12 years old at that time, now I'm 18 years old and I proved to myself that the doctor is true, it really took a lot of patience.

An oily face is acne/breakout prone. You just have to practice good hygiene and have a lot of patience (if you have the same condition as me, but practicing good personal hygiene is the best way to take care of your skin). Don't poke it until it's dry. A matter of fact just ignore it, pretend it's not there and you'll be surprised it'll be gone in no time. Giving a lot of attention to it makes you tempted to poke it and put stuffs on it that you shouldn't.

What I use:
  • Facial Scrub: Pond's Clear Solutions Anti-bacterial Facial Scrub
    • Salicylic acid kills bacteria. It's good for pimples and breakouts. (2x a day)
After that..
  • Toner: Pond's Acne expert Pore conditioning Toner
    • I'm not a huge fan of Pond's, I tried different products and this works the best for me. Do some researching about products that will suit your skin type. Don't experiment & believe bandwagon advertising of products. (2x a day)
  • Moisturizer: Celeteque Facial Moisturizer
    •  A moisturizer is also helpful even on oily skin. Just buy a moisturizer that is oil-free or hypoallergenic so it's milder and will just give your skin enough nutrients that it needs. Moisturizers can leave a sticky feel.
  • An exfoliant: Natio Scrub
    • Not to be used everyday, 2x a week will do. Don't scrub your face too much with exfoliants, it might get irritated which may also cause pimples and breakouts. This is to remove dead cells on your skin so that it'll be replaced. 
  • Whitening: Pond's Whitening Detox White Spotless cream
    • Some of my pimples leave scars. The pimple scars can* be treated with whitening products.
  • Facial mud/mask: Watsons Green Tea Antioxidant deep cleansing mud
    • Green tea is an antioxidant so it's good for your skin. I use this 2x a week in replace of the toner.
Not all of the products I mentioned can be effective on you. Again, just research on products that best suits your skin type. Make sure you know what's in that product. Some chemicals can be really harmful on your skin. Also, try home remedies (aloe vera, fruits, tomatoes, honey mask etc.) These can be really helpful and safe on your skin. Bottom line is, practice good personal hygiene and use your trusted products.