An oily face is acne/breakout prone. You just have to practice good hygiene and have a lot of patience (if you have the same condition as me, but practicing good personal hygiene is the best way to take care of your skin). Don't poke it until it's dry. A matter of fact just ignore it, pretend it's not there and you'll be surprised it'll be gone in no time. Giving a lot of attention to it makes you tempted to poke it and put stuffs on it that you shouldn't.
What I use:
- Facial Scrub: Pond's Clear Solutions Anti-bacterial Facial Scrub
- Salicylic acid kills bacteria. It's good for pimples and breakouts. (2x a day)
After that..
- Toner: Pond's Acne expert Pore conditioning Toner
- I'm not a huge fan of Pond's, I tried different products and this works the best for me. Do some researching about products that will suit your skin type. Don't experiment & believe bandwagon advertising of products. (2x a day)
- Moisturizer: Celeteque Facial Moisturizer
- A moisturizer is also helpful even on oily skin. Just buy a moisturizer that is oil-free or hypoallergenic so it's milder and will just give your skin enough nutrients that it needs. Moisturizers can leave a sticky feel.
- An exfoliant: Natio Scrub
- Not to be used everyday, 2x a week will do. Don't scrub your face too much with exfoliants, it might get irritated which may also cause pimples and breakouts. This is to remove dead cells on your skin so that it'll be replaced.
- Whitening: Pond's Whitening Detox White Spotless cream
- Some of my pimples leave scars. The pimple scars can* be treated with whitening products.
- Facial mud/mask: Watsons Green Tea Antioxidant deep cleansing mud
- Green tea is an antioxidant so it's good for your skin. I use this 2x a week in replace of the toner.
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